Events: Details

2020 CGU CIG Mantle and Lithosphere Dynamics Workshop

CGU CIG Mantle and Lithosphere Dynamics Workshop

3-6 May 2020

Banff, Alberta Canada

This workshop is the third joint meeting with the Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) intended to bring together researchers who study the dynamics of the Earth’s mantle and lithosphere through numerical modeling. The meeting will focus on numerical modeling, mantle dynamics, and the geodynamics of lithospheric evolution and will combine invited and contributed talks and poster sessions.

Full meeting information can be found at the official meeting website [CGU website].

Join CGU to receive Member registration rates.


Organizing Committee

Jolante van Wijk, New Mexico Tech (lead)
Claire Currie, University of Alberta
Lorraine Hwang, University of California, Davis
Julian Lowman, University of Toronto
John Naliboff, University of California, Davis


This event has been RESCHEDULED for May  2-5, 2021. 

  • Abstract fees will be refunded by CGU. 
  • Banff Park Lodge made through the CGU block have been automatically cancelled.


Joint CGU-CIG Session Description

SE.2: Global Geodynamics. This session invites the presentation of research investigating the character and evolution of the Solid Earth and other rocky planets in response to forces owing to internal or external energy sources. Research discussing all aspects of geodynamic modelling and observation are encouraged, from advances investigating changes to planetary figure to studies of the deep interior enabled by the implementation of laboratory or modelling methods. Relevant topics include: observational approaches for describing Solid Earth processes in both plate boundary and intra-plate settings; laboratory measurements and modelling studies that investigate the composition, structure and dynamics of the crust, mantle and core; comparative planetology and studies placing the Earth’s evolution in the context of other rocky bodies; the unravelling of early Earth history including the history of continental growth and movement; and the dynamic processes that govern the topography of the Earth and other terrestrial bodies.

SE.3: Lithospheric Evolution of the Northern Cordillera and Environs. North America has faced an oceanic realm to its northwest for the entire Phanerozoic, across active, evolving plate boundaries. Before that, its constituent cratons interacted with each other and with other continents during the Precambrian. The Northern Cordillera and adjacent regions are a product of this integrated history, in response to mantle geodynamics, rifting and pervasive subduction processes, terrane accretion and orogeny. Twenty years ago the LITHOPROBE SNorCLE program drew together researchers to make new advances in understanding the Northern Cordillera and adjacent craton through integrating geophysical and geological studies. In this session we invite contributions and reviews of this enduring problem in light of new data, new concepts and insights from analogous geodynamic and tectonic settings. Some current controversies include: What is the origin and provenance of Precambrian cratons in NW Laurentia and the exotic Paleozoic terranes now present in the Northern Cordillera? What was the subduction polarity along the margin during the Mesozoic – Cenozoic? How and when did the Northern Cordillera become so hot? What is the driver for Eocene-topresent continued mobility of inboard elements of the orogen, as seen in paleomagnetism, GPS data and seismicity? We also invite participants to join in a `townhall’ discussion on the EON-ROSE proposal to build an integrated geoscience program around transportable seismic stations in the Northern Cordillera and across Canada.

SE.4: The Lithosphere. As the outermost solid layer of the Earth, the lithosphere is a structurally and compositionally complex region that experiences a range of tectonic behaviours from large-scale plate motions to intraplate deformation to local plate boundary tectonics. In these dynamics, the lithosphere is subject to surface processes and ice sheet loading at its upper boundary, rheological variations and domains in its interior, fluid transport and magmatism, and interactions with the asthenosphere at its base. These processes and the nature of the lithosphere are studied with a variety of observational, experimental, and numerical tools, in a host of tectonic settings and on a variety of length- and time-scales. Feedbacks between these processes are complex and sometimes not well understood. In this cross-disciplinary session, we welcome contributions from the fields of research that explore the nature and dynamics of the lithosphere.


Solid Earth Sessions

SE.1: Cratons and craton margins – formation, evolution and interactions

SE.2: Global Geodynamics

SE.3: Lithospheric Evolution of the Northern Cordillera and Environs

SE.4: The Lithosphere

SE.5: Multidisciplinary Studies of Subduction Zone Processes: Cascadia and beyond

SE.6: Induced seismicity in North America

SE.7: General Contributions to Solid Earth Geophysics

SE.8: Seismic Hazard and Earthquake Site Response


Abstract Submission

To make a submission, you will need your Abstract Title, Abstract Text, Author Name(s) and Institutions, the title of the session you wish to submit to, and your preferred platform (oral or poster). An abstract submission fee of $50 plus 5% GST applies ($52.50 CDN total). No refunds will be issued.

The deadline for Abstract Submissions is February 29, 2020.

Participants are welcome to attend and contribute abstracts to any of the CGU sessions.

Abstract submission is through the CGU meeting portal.



Registration is through CGU.  Please see the main conference website. We STRONGLY recommend that everyone join CGU for the best rates.  We reimburse at the member rates.



Room blocks will be available at the Banff Park Lodge. More information will be posted soon.[accommodation]


Travel Support

We expect to be able to support a limited number of participants providing up to $1300 USD support for registration, airfare and accommodation to participants from U.S. Institutions. Higher priority of funding will go to graduate students, postdocs and early career scientists. We recommend that participants book their air travel early. Travelers MUST use a US carrier, comply with Open Skies, and/or provide code share information.

Travelers MUST submit an abstract to be eligible for reimbursement.

We recommend flying into Calgary International Airport (YYC). 

Application for travel support is CANCELLED. [apply]

Participants will be notified by March 31, 2020. - CANCELLED



Abstract Submission: February 29, 2020
Abstract Notification: tbd
Early Registration: March 19, 2020
Travel Support: March 31, 2020 -  CANCELLED
Travel Support Notification: tbd
Hotel Reservations portal close: March 19, 2020

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