Milestone 5: Results and Analysis
Results and analysis for the isoviscous McKenzie equations (with melting) driven by a corner flow velocity BC.
Problem Description
This model describes the full isoviscous McKenzie equations (with melting), for a system driven by a corner flow velocity boundary condition for the solid phase. These equations couple a Stokes system for the solid phase with a Darcy flow for the melt moving through the permeable solid, and an advection term for the porosity field. The flow is driven by a corner flow boundary condition for the solid, which creates a region of low dynamic pressure about the area of discontinuity, and a linear ramp in the melting function.
Running the Simulation
The model is run from the directory:
and executing as:
./StGermain IsoviscousMcKenzieRidge2D.xml
taking care to create a soft link to the StGermain binary in the build directory as before.
3D Model with Ridge Velocity Boundary Conditions A 3D model was also implemented, which is driven by Dirichlet BCs on the velocity field, which are interpolated onto the prescribed domain from an input file (the same one as for Milestone 1). The directory and execution command for running this model are given as:
Magma/Models/Milestone5/IsoviscousMcKenzieRidge3D/ ./StGermain IsoviscousMcKenzieRidge3D.xml
Some images for the x and y velocity components, the dynamic and compaction pressures, the porosity, the melt fraction and the x and y melt velocity components are attached below.