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  • Created 30 Dec 2020


Tutorial 2 - Waterlayered halfspace

The following instructions assume that you have installed SPECFEM3D and familiarized yourself with how you will run the package based on your computer configuration, as detailed in the SPECFEM3D User manual (Chapter 2 provides installation help). Additionally, we will make use of an external, hexahedral mesher CUBIT. Please make sure you have these packages installed on your system.

The example is distributed with the package under the examples/ directory. However, you might need to edit these example scripts slightly to launch them on your system.

Waterlayered halfspace

This is a step-by-step tutorial how to create a mesh for a layered halfspace with a water layer on top, export it into a SPECFEM3D file format and run the mesh partitioning and database generation.


In the following, we will run a python script within CUBIT to create the needed mesh files for the partitioner.

  1. change your working directory to the example folder:
    []$ cd SPECFEM3D/examples/waterlayered_halfspace
  2. start the graphical user interface (GUI) of CUBIT:
    [waterlayered_halfspace]$ claro
  3. run the python file “” :
    use the (Play Journal File) button and open the file ""
  4. in case the script executed successfully, it should create you three volumes with a refined mesh for the top layer, a triplication layer and a coarser mesh layer at the bottom: (Image( failed - File not found) check that the script created a new folder “MESH/” containing the files:
    [waterlayered_halfspace]$ ls -1 MESH/
    you can also check if the export was successful by examining the output in the Command line window of CUBIT. The sensitive part should look like cubit_commandline_waterlayered.jpeg
  5. optionally, you could modify the material properties of the model, either in CUBIT or in the newly created material file:
    • changing the block properties in CUBIT


the following table applies for acoustic material properties:

Name block name must start with “acoustic” for acoustic materials followed by a unique identifier material_id
Attribute 1 Material ID
Attribute 2 P-wave speed
Attribute 3 S-wave speed is ignored, set to zero
Attribute 4 Density

the following table applies for elastic material properties:

Name block name must start with “elastic” for elastic materials followed by a unique identifier material_id
Attribute 1 Material ID
Attribute 2 P-wave speed
Attribute 3 S-wave speed
Attribute 4 Density
Attribute 5 Quality factor
Attribute 6 Anisotropy flag
Once you changed the properties, you will have to re-export the mesh. This can be done, using the script
This should refresh the files in directory “MESH/”.
  • directly modifying the file nummaterial_velocity_file in the MESH/ directory:
    1   1          1028.000000          1480.000000             0.000000             0.000000  0
    2   2          3200.000000          7500.000000          4300.000000          9000.000000  0
    2   3          3200.000000          7500.000000          4300.000000          9000.000000  0

    this file defines the material properties. the format is:

    Domain_id Material_id Density P-wave speed S-wave speed Quality factor Anisotropy_flag
    1 = acoustic unique material density wave speed in m/s wave speed in m/s Quality factor flag for anisotropy model
    2 = elastic identifier in kg/m3 (ignored for acoustic materials) 0 = no attenuation 0 = no anisotropy

    Setting up example folder for simulations

    We will set up the example folder for simulation runs:

    * databases directory: create a directory in_out_files/DATABASES_MPI/ into which you will put the mesh partitions:

    []$ cd SPECFEM3D/examples/waterlayered_halfspace
    [waterlayered_halfspace]$ mkdir -p in_out_files/DATABASES_MPI

    * parameter files: make sure you have the parameter files in a local directory in_data_files/ for the example:

    these files should already be provided in the example folder.

    * executables: compile the executables in the root directory:

    []$ cd SPECFEM3D/
    [SPECFEM3D]$ make

    in case the compilation was successful, it will create the executables xdecompose_mesh_SCOTCH, xgenerate_databases and xspecfem3D in the bin/ directory

    and create a local directory bin/ to link the executables from the root directory:

    []$ cd SPECFEM3D/examples/waterlayered_halfspace
    [waterlayered_halfspace]$ mkdir -p bin    
    [waterlayered_halfspace]$ cd bin/
    [bin]$ ln -s ../../../bin/xdecompose_mesh_SCOTCH
    [bin]$ ln -s ../../../bin/xgenerate_databases
    [bin]$ ln -s ../../../bin/xspecfem3D

    All these steps and the following decomposition, database generation and solver run are put in a bash script file in the example folder. You can simply run the script:

    [waterlayered_halfspace]$ ./

    to do the setup and following steps for you. Please modify and adapt the script to your needs.

    Mesh partitioning

    In this example, we will partition the mesh for 4 CPU cores.

    run the mesh partitioner:

    [waterlayered_halfspace]$ ./bin/xdecompose_mesh_SCOTCH 4 MESH/ in_out_files/DATABASES_MPI/

    check that this created the mesh partitions:

    [waterlayered_halfspace]$ ls -1 in_out_files/DATABASES_MPI/

    You are done.

    Database generation

    Next, you will need to create the mesh databases.

    1. in case you can run parallel programs on your desktop (needs an MPI installation), you can run the executable like:
      [waterlayered_halfspace]$ cd bin/
      [bin]$ mpirun -np 4 ./xgenerate_databases
      otherwise, you will need to modify and adapt one of the cluster scripts provided in the SPECFEM3D/utils/Cluster/ directory.
    2. check the output file in_out_files/OUTPUT_FILES/output_mesher.txt to see if the databases were generated successfully.
      The output file contains the suggested time step for your mesh:
      Verification of simulation parameters 
      Minimum period resolved =   1.632425 
      **Maximum suggested time step =   5.1801954E-03**
  • Forward simulation

    To run a forward simulation, do the following:

    1. make sure, you have the parameter files in the directory in_data_files/. Most parameters in the Par_file should be set before running the database generation. The following may be changed after running xgenerate_databases:
      # forward or adjoint simulation
      SIMULATION_TYPE                 = 1   # 1 = forward, 2 = adjoint, 3 = both simultaneously
      NOISE_TOMOGRAPHY                = 0   # 0 = earthquake simulation,  1/2/3 = three steps in noise simulation
      SAVE_FORWARD                    = .false.  
      # time step parameters
      NSTEP                           = 4500
      DT                              = 0.005
      # absorbing boundary conditions for a regional simulation
      ABSORBING_CONDITIONS            = .true.
      # save AVS or OpenDX movies
      MOVIE_SURFACE                   = .false.
      MOVIE_VOLUME                    = .false.
      NTSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES           = 200
      CREATE_SHAKEMAP                 = .false.
      SAVE_DISPLACEMENT               = .false.
      USE_HIGHRES_FOR_MOVIES          = .false.
      HDUR_MOVIE                      = 0.0
      # interval at which we output time step info and max of norm of displacement
      # interval in time steps for writing of seismograms
      # interval in time steps for reading adjoint traces
      NTSTEP_BETWEEN_READ_ADJSRC      = 0      # 0 = read the whole adjoint sources at the same time
      # print source time function
      PRINT_SOURCE_TIME_FUNCTION      = .false.
    2. in case you can run parallel programs on your desktop (needs an MPI installation), you can run the executable like:
      [waterlayered_halfspace]$ cd bin/
      [bin]$ mpirun -np 4 ./xspecfem3D
      note, this example should take about 1 hour 45 minutes to finish the simulation.
    3. check the output file output_solver.txt in the output directory in_out_files/OUTPUT_FILES/ to see if the forward simulation was successfully finishing.
      the seismograms will look like this, using gnuplot:
      gnuplot> plot "X10.DB.BXZ.semd" w l,"X20.DB.BXZ.semd" w l,"X30.DB.BXZ.semd" w l

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