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  • Created 05 Jan 2021

Benchmarks / Short-Term Crustal Dynamics / Benchmarks - OLD /

Community Block Model

Crustal Dynamics – Community Block Model

Meshing for Geological Applications — Grid Projects — Los Alamos National Laboratory

LANL Crustal Deformation Workshop 2003

LaGriT Mesh Generation of the LA Basin GOCAD Microblock Model (PDF) — PDF document, 2702Kb

Benchmark 5

Benchmark problem definitions: http://www-gpsg.mit.edu/fe/Meshes.html

bm_5_2d_refine_tip bm_5_2d_uniform bm_5_3d_tet

LaGrit Control Files to create mesh:

GMV and AVS files of 2D triangle and 3D tetrahedral mesh:

  • bm_5_2d_refine_tip.gmv
  • bm_5_2d_refine_tip.inp
  • bm_5_2d_uniform.gmv
  • bm_5_2d_uniform.inp
  • bm_5_3d_tets.gmv
  • bm_5_3d_tets.inp

GMV General Mesh Viewer Home Page

AVS UCD (*.inp) File format discription

LANL Workshop 2004 Image Gallery

amr_b1b2 amr_b1b2_close block1_norefine block1_refine
block1_volume block1_volume2 block1_volume3_mass block1_volume3_nomass
block6_topo_problem block6_topo_problem_close data data_close
explode exterior_closeup extrude fd021
fd051 fd101 grid_close metis_partition
model_faces multi_material_polygons polygons_triangulate refine20
refine20_close refine_amr_01 refine_amr_02 refine_amr_02_close
refine_smooth1 refine_smooth2 refine_smooth3 tets
tets2 tets_refine tets_refine2

Some Issues with CBM Corners — Image Gallery

cbm_E1_corner cbm_El_close cbm_El_close_edges cbm_El_far

Some Issues with CBM Topology — Image Gallery

block5_close_lower block5_close_lower block5_close_top block5_close_top_corner
block5_far block5_far_top block6 block6_close

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