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  • Created 05 Jan 2021

Benchmarks / Short-Term Crustal Dynamics / Benchmarks - OLD /

LG - Example 2

LaGrit Example: Convert Hexahedra to 5, 6, 24 Tetrahedra

  • hex_to_5_6_24_tet_edge
  • hex_to_5_6_24_tet_face


*--* ex_hextotet_5_6
*--* Header Begin
*--* LAGriT Example Input file
* Carl Gable
* gable -at- lanl -dot- gov
*--* Create a single hex,
*--* Convert the hex to 6 tets,
*--* Convert the hex to 5 tets,
*--* Convert the hex to 24 tets,
*--* Use the TRANS command to translate each mesh to a new location
*--* Use the LOOP command to set the element id (itetclr),
*--* Put the three MO into a single MO
*--* Header End
*--* ex_hextotet_5_6

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