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  • Created 05 Jan 2021

Benchmarks / Short-Term Crustal Dynamics / Benchmarks - OLD /

LG - Example 8

LaGriT Example: Create a Triangulation With a Degenerate Internal Edge Which Creates a Non-Matching Triangulation

  • 01_triangulate
  • 02_refine_smooth
  • 03_refine_smooth2
  • 04_refine_smooth3


*--* ex_polygon_non_manifold
 *--* Header Begin
 *--* LAGriT Example Input file
 * Carl Gable
 * gable -at- lanl -dot- gov
 *--* Create a triangulation for a non-manifold geometry
 *--* Smooth the resulting triangulation.
 *--* Refine and smooth the mesh further.
 *--* Header End
 *--* ex_intersect_surface_line
 * Create a triangulation for a non-manifold geometry
 * Smooth the resulting triangulation.

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