Calypso is a set of codes for magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) dynamo simulation in a rotating spherical shell using spherical harmonics expansion methods.
- Solve MHD equations in a rotating spherical shell
- Treat conductive fluid with Boussinesq approximation
- Inner core can have the same conductivity as that for the fluid core
- Inner core can rotate by viscous torque and Lorentz force
- Support thermal and compositional buoyancies
- Thermal and compositional diffusivity can set independently
- Heterogeneous thermal boundary condition is supported
- Parallelized by MPI and OpenMP
- Visualization output for arbitrary quadric surface (e.g. plane, cylinder, or sphere) and isosurfaces
calypso-1.2.0.tar.gz [2017-07-17]
- Add cross sectioning and isosurfacing module
- Improve Legendre transform
- Parallelization of assemble_sph
- A number of bug fix
- Solve a magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) simulation in a rotating spherical shell.
- Treat Boussinesq fluid with electorical conductivity
The development of Calypso was supported by NSF EAR 0509893, 0652882, 1045277, 0949446 and 1550901.