Comparison of magmatic and amagmatic rift zone kinematics using full moment tensor inversions of regional earthquakes

By Sarah J. Oliva1, C.J. Ebinger1, D. Shillington2, J. Albaric3, A. Deschamps4, D. Keir5, C. Drooff6

1. Tulane University 2. Columbia University 3. University de Franche-Comte 4. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 5. University of Southampton 6. University of Rochester



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Comparison of magmatic and amagmatic rift zone kinematics using full moment tensor inversions of regional earthquakes. 

September 18-22, 2017. 

Sarah J. Oliva, C.J. Ebinger, D. Shillington, J. Albaric, A. Deschamps, D. Keir, C. Drooff.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Sarah J. Oliva; C.J. Ebinger; D. Shillington; J. Albaric; A. Deschamps; D. Keir; C. Drooff (2021), "Comparison of magmatic and amagmatic rift zone kinematics using full moment tensor inversions of regional earthquakes," https://geodynamics.org/resources/787.

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