3D Simulations of Earthquakes on Parallel Offset Faults with Homogeneous Stress Conditions

By Kayla A. Kroll1, Keith B. Richards-Dinger2, James H. Dieterich2, David D. Oglesby2

1. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 2. University of California, Riverside



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3D Simulations of Earthquakes on Parallel Offset Faults with Homogeneous Stress Conditions. 

September 18-22, 2017. 

Kayla A. Kroll, Keith B. Richards-Dinger, James H. Dieterich, David D. Oglesby. 

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Kayla A. Kroll; Keith B. Richards-Dinger; James H. Dieterich; David D. Oglesby (2021), "3D Simulations of Earthquakes on Parallel Offset Faults with Homogeneous Stress Conditions," https://geodynamics.org/resources/795.

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