Improving Earthquake and Tsunami Hazard Assessment Using Geodynamics

By Eric M. Dunham1, Ossian O’Reilly2, Kim Torberntsson2, Vidar Stiernström2, Kali Allison2, Gabe Lotto2, Sam Bydlon2, Jeremy Kozdon2

1. Stanford University 2. Multiple



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Improving Earthquake and Tsunami Hazard Assessment Using Geodynamics. 

June 20-22, 2016. 

Eric M. Dunham, Ossian O’Reilly, Kim Torberntsson, Vidar Stiernström, Kali Allison, Gabe Lotto, Sam Bydlon, Jeremy Kozdon. 

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Eric M. Dunham; Ossian O’Reilly; Kim Torberntsson; Vidar Stiernström; Kali Allison; Gabe Lotto; Sam Bydlon; Jeremy Kozdon (2021), "Improving Earthquake and Tsunami Hazard Assessment Using Geodynamics," https://geodynamics.org/resources/852.

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