Computational Science Roundtable Discussion
01 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Staff
Computational Science Roundtable Discussion. October 16-18, 2006.
2007 CIG/SPICE/IRIS Workshop Program and Abstracts
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Organizing Committee
2007 CIG/SPICE/IRIS Workshop Program and Abstracts. October 9-11, 2007.
Mantle-scale geodynamics
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Louis Moresi
Mantle-scale geodynamics. Sept 15-17, 2008. Louis Moresi.
3D Spherical Mantle Convection Calculations using the Yin-Yang grid
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Paul Tackley
3D Spherical Mantle Convection Calculations using the Yin-Yang grid. July 9-11, 2008. Paul Tackley.
Spectral Methods for Mantle Convection with 3D Viscosity Variations
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Robert Moucha
Spectral Methods for Mantle Convection with 3D Viscosity Variations. July 9-11, 2008. Robert Moucha.
Some aspects of phase transitions and mantle convection
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Luce Fleitout
Some aspects of phase transitions and mantle convection. July 9-11, 2008. Luce Fleitout.
The Role of Mantle Tractions and the Crust
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Lucy Flesch
The Role of Mantle Tractions and the Crust. July 9-11, 2008. Lucy Flesch.
A Recent Free Subduction Benchmark
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Boris Kaus
A Recent Free Subduction Benchmark (or, how a simple test can cause a major headache) July 9-11, 2008. Boris Kaus.
The Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computing
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Matthew Knepley
The Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computing. July 9-11, 2008. Matthew Knepley.
Next Generation Parallel Machines
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Bill Broadley
Next Generation Parallel Machines. July 9-11, 2008. Bill Broadley.
Multigrid Methods
23 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Shijie Zhong
Multigrid Methods. July 9-11, 2008. Shijie Zhong.
Modelling Deforming Interfaces using Level Sets
23 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Hans Muhlhaus, Laurent Bourgouin, Lutz Gross
Modelling Deforming Interfaces using Level Sets. July 9-11, 2008. Hans Mühlhaus, Laurent Bourgouin and Lutz Gross.
Modeling Lithospheric Deformation with Faults
23 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Mian Liu
Modeling Lithospheric Deformation with Faults. July 9-11, 2008. Mian Liu.
Modeling Sources of Stress and Topography
23 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): C. Lithgow-Bertelloni, J. Naliboff, C. Conrad, N. de Koker
Modeling Sources of Stress and Topography. July 9-11, 2008. C.Lithgow-Bertelloni, J. Naliboff, C. Conrad and N. de Koker.
Mantle Convection, Plate Boundaries and Plasticity
23 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Dave May, Louis Moresi, Hans Muhlhaus, Mirko Velic, Wendy Sharples, Dave Stegman
Mantle convection, plate boundaries and plasticity. July 9-11, 2008. Dave May, Louis Moresi, Hans Mühlhaus, Mirko Velic, Wendy Sharples, Dave Stegman.
Magmatism, Faulting, & Morphology of Mid-Ocean Ridges
23 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Garrett Ito, Mark Behn
Magmatism, Faulting, & Morphology of Mid-Ocean Ridges. July 9-11, 2008. Garrett Ito, Mark Behn.
Lagrangian Finite Element Methods
23 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Boris Kaus
Lagrangian Finite Element Methods for modelling long-term tectonic processes. July 9-11, 2008. Boris Kaus.
Interactive Visualization Tools for Large-Scale Dynamic Simulations
23 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Oliver Kreylos
Interactive Visualization Tools for Large-Scale Dynamic Simulations. July 9-11, 2008. Oliver Kreylos.
Implementing Surface Erosion Processes in Geodynamic Models
23 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Sean Willett, Frederic Herman, Jean Braun
Implementing Surface Erosion Processes in Geodynamic Models. July 9-11, 2008. Sean Willett, Frederic Herman, Jean Braun.
Grain size-dependent viscosity convection
23 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Slava Solomatov
Grain size-dependent viscosity convection. July 9-11, 2008. Slava Solomatov.
GPlates and Mantle Convection
23 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Michael Gurnis
GPlates and Mantle Convection. July 9-11, 2008. Michael Gurnis.
23 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Walter Landry
Gale.July 9-11, 2008. Walter Landry.
23 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Eh Tan, Eun-seo Choi, Mike Gurnis, Puru Thoutireddy, Michael Aivazis
Exchanger - coupling multiple solvers for mantle convection. July 9-11, 2008. Eh Tan, Eun-seo Choi, Mike Gurnis, Puru Thoutireddy, Michael Aivazis.
Data Assimilation Methods in Geodynamical Models
23 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Alik Ismail-Zadeh, Gerald Schubert, Igor Tsepelev, Alex Korotkii
Data Assimilation Methods in Geodynamical Models. July 9-11, 2008. Alik Ismail-Zadeh, Gerald Schubert, Igor Tsepelev & Alex Korotkii.
Convergent margins processes
23 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): E. Burov
Convergent margins processes. July 9-11, 2008. E. Burov.
Chemical Heterogeneity - Tracers and Entrainment
23 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Allen K. McNamara
Chemical Heterogeneity - Tracers and Entrainment. July 9-11, 2008.Allen K. McNamara.
Anisotropic Convection
23 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Einat Lev
Anisotropic Convection. July 9-11, 2008. Einat Lev.
Adaptive Finite Element Methods For Geodynamics
23 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): J. Huw Davies
Adaptive Finite Element Methods For Geodynamics. July 9-11, 2008. J. Huw Davies.
Overview of the High-Order ADER-DG Method for Numerical Seismology
18 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Martin Käser, Michael Dumbser, Josep de la Puente, Verena Hermann, Cristobal Castro
Overview of the High-Order ADER-DG Method for Numerical Seismology. October 9-11, 2007. Martin Käser, Michael Dumbser, Josep de la Puente, Verena Hermann, Cristobal Castro.
Rayleigh and Love wave tomography of the western United States from ambient seismic noise using US Array
17 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Fan-Chi Lin, Morgan Moschetti, Michael Ritzwoller
Rayleigh and Love wave tomography of the western United States from ambient seismic noise using US Array. October 9-11, 2007. Fan-Chi Lin, Morgan P. Moschetti, and Michael H. Ritzwoller.
CIG Geodynamics Software: Modeling Tools for the Earth Science Community
17 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Eh Tan
CIG Geodynamics Software: Modeling Tools for the Earth Science Community. October 9-11, 2007. Eh Tan.
17 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): David Michéa
SPECFEM3D_GLOBE. October 9-11, 2007. David Michéa.
Synthetic seismograms for stagnant slab model
17 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Seiji Tsuboi, H. Sugioka, M. Obayashi, Y. Fukao, Yuan Gao
Synthetic seismograms for stagnant slab model. October 9-11, 2007. Seiji Tsuboi, H. Sugioka, M. Obayashi, Y. Fukao, Yuan Gao.
ShakeOut and its effects in Los Angeles and Oxnard areas
17 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Leonardo Ramirez-Guzman, Ricardo Taborda, Julio López, John Urbanic, Jacobo Bielak, David O'Hallaron
ShakeOut and its effects in Los Angeles and Oxnard areas. October 9-11, 2007. Leonardo Ramírez-Guzmán, Ricardo Taborda, Julio López, John Urbanic, Jacobo Bielak and David O’Hallaron.
Wave Propagation Project (WPP): A New Open-Source Tool Supporting Computational Seismology at LLNL
17 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Arthur Rodgers
Wave Propagation Project (WPP): A New Open-Source Tool Supporting Computational Seismology at LLNL. October 9-11, 2007. Arthur Rodgers.
Accuracy of Spectral Element Methods for Wave Propagation Modeling
17 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Saulo P. Oliveira, Géza Seriani
Accuracy of Spectral Element Methods for Wave Propagation Modeling. October 9-11, 2007. Saulo P. Oliveira and Géza Seriani.
Constructing 3D Sensitivity Kernels and Working Towards 3D Tomographic Inversions Based upon Adjoint Methods
17 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Qinya Liu, Jeroen Tromp, Carl Tape, Alessia Maggi, Urska Manners, Guy Masters
Constructing 3D Sensitivity Kernels and Working Towards 3D Tomographic Inversions Based upon Adjoint Methods. October 9-11, 2007. Qinya Liu, Jeroen Tromp, Carl Tape, Alessia Maggi, Urska Manners, Guy Masters.
Numerical Modeling of Physical Processes occuring during the Spontaneous Propagation of 3-D Earthquake Ruptures.
17 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Andrea Bizzarri
Numerical Modeling of Physical Processes occuring during the Spontaneous Propagation of 3-D Earthquake Ruptures. October 9-11, 2007. Andrea Bizzarri.
Broadband Ground Motion Simulations for a Mw 7.8 Southern San Andreas Earthquake: Shake Out
17 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Robert Graves, Brad Aagaard, Ken Hudnut
Broadband Ground Motion Simulations for a Mw 7.8 Southern San Andreas Earthquake: Shake Out. October 9-11, 2007. Robert W. Graves, Brad Aagaard, Ken Hudnut.
Multi-scale issues and two scale homogenization solutions for the direct and inverse problem in seismology.
14 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Y. Capdeville, L. Guillot, J. J. Marigo
Multi-scale issues and two scale homogenization solutions for the direct and inverse problem in seismology. October 9-11, 2007. Y. Capdeville, L. Guillot, J.J. Marigo.
CIG Science Gateways: Using Supercomputers through a Browser
14 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): L. Strand, Y. Kim, J. Tromp, D. Komantitsch, C. Tape, W. Mei, P. Olson, L. Armendariz, S. Kientz
CIG Science Gateways: Using Supercomputers through a Browser. October 9-11, 2007. L. Strand, Y. Kim, J. Tromp, D. Komantitsch, C. Tape, W. Mei, P. Olson, L. Armendariz, S. Kientz.
Octrees in Computational Seismology
14 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): David O’Hallaron
Octrees in Computational Seismology. October 9-11, 2007. David O’Hallaron.
CUBIT and seismic wave propagation based upon the Spectral-Element Method
14 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): E. Casarotti, M. Stupazzini, S.J. Lee, D. Komatitsch, A. Piersanti, J. Tromp.
GEOCUBIT - CUBIT and seismic wave propagation based upon the Spectral-Element Method: An advanced unstructured mesher for complex 3D geological media. October 9-11, 2007. E. Casarotti, M. Stupazzini, S.J. Lee, D. Komatitsch, A. Piersanti, J. Tromp.
Finite-frequency sensitivity of seismic observables to mantle anisotropy based upon adjoint methods
14 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Anne Sieminski, Qinya Liu, Jeannot Trampert, Jeroen Tromp
Finite-frequency sensitivity of seismic observables to mantle anisotropy based upon adjoint methods. October 9-11, 2007. Anne Sieminski, Qinya Liu, Jeannot Trampert, Jeroen Tromp.
Ground Motion Modeling of the 1906 Earthquake and Other Large Events on the Northern San Andreas Fault
14 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard, Thomas Brocher, David Dolenc, Douglas Dreger, Robert Graves, Stephen Harmsen, Stephen Hartzell, Mary Lou Zoback
Ground Motion Modeling of the 1906 Earthquake and Other Large Events on the Northern San Andreas Fault. October 9-11, 2007. Brad Aagaard, Thomas Brocher, David Dolenc, Douglas Dreger, Robert Graves, Stephen Harmsen, Stephen Hartzell, Mary Lou...
A Finite-Element Code for Modeling Quasi-Static and Dynamic Crustal Deformation
14 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard, Charles Williams, Matt Knepley, Leif Strand, Sue Kientz
A Finite-Element Code for Modeling Quasi-Static and Dynamic Crustal Deformation. October 9-11, 2007. Brad Aagaard, Charles Williams, Matt Knepley, Leif Strand, Sue Kientz.
Spectral-Element and Adjoint Methods in Seismology
11 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Jeroen Tromp
Spectral-Element and Adjoint Methods in Seismology. October 16-18, 2006. Jeroen Tromp.
An Architecture for Composing Solvers
11 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Barry Smith
An Architecture for Composing Solvers - Case study of PETSc. October 16-18, 2006. Barry Smith.
Going Beyond an Elastic Halfspace
11 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Mark Simons, Eric Hetland, Mark Turner
Going Beyond an Elastic Halfspace - CIG Short-Term Crustal Dynamics. October 16-18, 2006. Mark Simons, Eric Hetland, and Mark Turner.
Plumbing the Depths: Computational Challenges for Magma Dynamics in Earth Sciences
11 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Marc Spiegelman, Richard Katz
Plumbing the Depths: Computational Challenges for Magma Dynamics in Earth Sciences. October 16-18, 2006. Marc Spiegelman, Richard Katz.