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2006 Purdue Workshop for Compressible Mantle Convection

Category: Workshop

One of the primary projects that were identified at the 2005 Boulder mantle workshop for the CIG to help our mantle convection community was the development of modeling software for compressible mantle convection. To move this project forward, in the fall of 2005, the CIG requested Scott King and Shijie Zhong to help organize a small scale workshop to discuss issues relevant to the compressible mantle convection. Before the 2005 Fall AGU, Scott King (main organizer) and Shijie Zhong sent emails to a large number of people with potential interest in compressible mantle convection to call for participation to the workshop. Although the workshop was open to anyone with interest in the topic, the actual participants were largely those who responded the email calls positively.

When: Monday 27 March, 2006 5:00 am EST - Tuesday 28 March, 2006 2:00 pm EST
Where: West Lafayette, Indiana
  1. 2D benchmark
  2. conman
  3. mantle convection
  4. Purdue
  5. 2006
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