Events: Details

2017 GNSS Tsunami Early Warning System Workshop

Venue: Westin Hotel Sendai, Miyabi Room, 25th Floor

From the first floor lobby, proceed to the elevators on the right to the 25th Floor.

Streaming: https://zoom.us/j/xxxxxxxx

Tuesday July 25: Setting the Stage

Presentations and discussion of the current state of research in the Application of GNSS Science and Technology for more effective and efficient Tsunami Early Warning Systems. 

 08:30-10:00    Plenary Session I       
 08:30-09:00      Opening Ceremony: Welcome with brief introductions.
 09:00 -10:00     Agency Perspectives

 10:00-10:15    Break                                  

 10:15-12:00    Plenary Session II – Capabilities of GNSS Science and Technology
 10:15-10:45      Basics of GNSS positioning, and how that shapes the GNSS contribution to tsunami early warning, Jeff Freymuuller, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
 10:45-11:15      How the real-time GNSS can contribute to tsunami early warning in association with other geophysical measurements, Yusaku Ohta, Tohoku University
 11:15-12:00      Discussion: GNSS Capabilities for TEWS

12:00-13:00   Lunch on your own                                                 

 13:00-14:30    Plenary Session III - Seismic Source Modeling
 13:00-13:30      Spontaneous rupture simulations of large earthquakes for tsunami early warning system, Eiichi Fukuyama, NIED
 13:30-14:00      Tsunami Squares Approach to Water Wave Generation and Propagation, Steven Ward, University of California, Santa Cruz
 14:00-14:30      Andrew Newman, Georgia Institute of Technology

 14:30-14:45    Break 

 14:45-15:45    Plenary Session III - Tsunami Modeling
 14:45-15:15     Rapid tsunami inundation and damage forecasting with precise tsunami source model with GNSS data, Shunichi Koshimura, Tohoku University
 15:15-15:30     Connecting earthquake source models to tsunami forecasts, Diego Melgar, University of California, Berkeley
 15:30-15:45     GPS-aided tsunami early detection System (GATES)—tsunami source modeling and requirements, Tony Song, Jet Propulsion Laboratory         

 15:45-17:00    Breakout Sessions      
       Breakout Groups: Seismology, Tsunami, Landslides, Other

18:00-20:00   Dinner                                                                                   

  20:00-22:00   Informal consultations and planning  

Wednesday, July 26: Data Issues

Focuses on data sharing, NGO data, data gaps, and data needs for geodetic and ionospheric observations. Panel discussions and working groups, allowing the identification of challenges.

  08:30-10:00    Plenary Session IV – Real Time Detection of Tsunamis from GNSS derived TEC Perturbations. 
  08:30-09:00     Advances in Understanding Natural-Hazards-Generated TEC Perturbations Using Ground-Based and Spaceborne Measurements, Attila Komjathy, Jet Propulsion Laboratory 
  09:00-09:30      Real-Time Detection of Tsunami Ionospheric Disturbances with Stand-Alone GNSS Receivers: A Prototype Implementation in the JPL’s GDGPS System, Giorgio Savastano, U. Rome / Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Mattia Crespi, U. Rome
  09:30-09:45      Ionospheric detection of tsunami earthquakes: observation, modeling and ideas for future early warning, Giovanni Occhipinti, IPGP 
  09:45-10:00      Discussion

  10:00-10:15    Break          

  10:15-12:00    Plenary Session V - Real Time Earthquake Characterization
  10:15-10:45      Real-time high-rate multi-GNSS and its noise characteristics for tsunami early warning over Asia-Pacific regions, Jianghui Geng, GNSS Res. Ctr. ,Wuhan U
  10:45-11:15      Global seismic monitoring with real-time GPS, Tim Melbourne, Central Washington U.
  11:15-12:00      Discussion                               

12:00-13:00   Lunch on your own

  13:00-15:15   Plenary Session VI - GNSS Networks
  13:00-13:30     The New Zealand GNSS Network, Elisabetta D’ Anastasio GNS New Zealand 
  13:30-14:00     GNSS data sharing in the Asia Pacific region: a governmental perspective on progress and challenges, John Dawson, UN-GGIM-AP
  14:00-14:15     International Network Capabilities and Challenges, David Phillips, UNAVCO
  14:15-14:30     Seismogeodesy applied to large earthquake characterization in Chile, Sebastian Riquelme, University of Chile
  14:30-14:45     GNSS waveform tomography, Kristy Tiampo, University of Colorado, Boulder
  14:45-15:15     Discussion           

  15:15-15:30   Break  

  15:30-17:00  Breakout Sessions        
      Breakout Groups: Networks, Data, Software   

18:00-20:00    Dinner  on your own                                                                                             

  20:00-22:00   Informal consultations and planning 

Thursday July 27:  The Way Forward


  09:00-11:45   Plenary Session    

  • Plenary Discussion of Workshop report
  • Identify membership of the GNNS-TEWS Steering committee

  11:45-12:00   Closing ceremony                                                                                        

12:00-13:00    Lunch Advisory Committee only         

  13:00-17:00   Advisory Committee and Operational Agencies closed meeting     

  • Future plans actions and commitments
  •  Assign responsibility for tasks
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