Events: Details

2017 GNSS Tsunami Early Warning System Workshop

Workshop Goals

Full document. [pdf]

Building an International Community

Developing an international community of scientists in support of GNSS-TEWS could save countless lives, and would enhance many of the existing collaborations on tsunami science and awareness of these potential mega-disasters.  It fits well with the recent United Nations UNISDR 2015 Sendai Framework themes to promote solutions for Disaster Risk Reduction around the Pacific Rim and elsewhere. 

More specifically there has been broad agreement on overall themes including:

  • Building sustainable and resilient communities
  • Emergency preparedness and disaster management
  • Balanced Growth
  • Secure Growth
  • Innovative Growth

More specific goals by 2030 include substantially:

  • reducing global disaster mortality,
  • enhancing international cooperation to developing countries through adequate and sustainable support, and
  • increasing the availability of and access to multi-hazard early warning systems and disaster risk information and assessments.

Problems to Address

The proposed workshop will focus primarily on the data constraints and how improved data accessibility flows into the models and automated workflow.

We will discuss, how do we:

  • enable sharing of existing (current) GNSS real-time data in the region? 
  • identify new sites and networks in other Pacific Rim countries that can contribute?
  • fill gaps in coverage by promoting the installation of new GNSS sites in tsunami-prone regions so that the geodetic and ionospheric coverage is optimized?
  • develop a regional awareness of the program and its potential capability?

and the development of cooperative activities for the evaluation of:

  •  algorithms for standalone geodetic and seismogeodetic tsunami warning systems, and
  •  ionospheric tracking networks and algorithms for tsunami tracking in the far field.


The primary product of the workshop will be a report to guide future activities.  The report will craft a strategy to develop a Pacific-wide activity involving APEC and non-APEC members, and will describe a plan to develop a real-time partnership for tsunami and earthquake early warning.  

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