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  • Created 05 Jan 2021

Short-Term Crustal Dynamics / Benchmarks /

Benchmarks - OLD

Community Finite Element Models for Fault Systems and Tectonics Studies Benchmarks

Benchmark descriptions for the Working Group for the Development of Community Finite Element Models for Fault Systems and Tectonics Studies

Overview of Goals and Objectives
Goals and objectives, general methodology for the Working Group for the Development of Community Finite Element Models for Fault Systems and Tectonics Studies
Benchmark 1
Viscoelastic relaxation of stresses resulting from an imposed uniaxial strain. No body forces are imposed. Material should have infinite bulk viscosity (i.e., should not relax in volume, only in shear).
Benchmark 2
Various tests on the implementation of gravity in viscoelastic finite element models. All analyses are 2D plane strain and assume uniaxial strain boundary conditions.
Benchmark 3
Viscoelastic relaxation of stresses resulting from an imposed simple shear strain. No body forces are imposed.
Benchmark 4
Viscoelastic (Maxwell) relaxation of stresses from a single, finite, strike-slip earthquake.
Benchmark 5
Viscoelastic (Maxwell) relaxation of stresses from a single, finite, dip-slip earthquake in 3D without body forces. The analytical solution for the elastic displacement (available at geoweb.mit.edu/fe) is applied at the boundaries and held fixed through time.
Benchmark 6
Viscoelastic (Maxwell) relaxation of stresses from a single, finite, dip-slip earthquake in 3D with body forces.
Benchmark 7

Elastic solution for a circular strike-slip fault. The conceptual model is an elastic disk of radius 200 km, with a circular left-lateral strike-slip fault forming an inner plug which rotates inside the outer annulus. Because of the symmetry of the problem, radial displacements should vanish and only the first quadrant needs to be modeled. If required, a mesh using cylindrical coordinates can be downloaded from http://geoweb.mit.edu/fe/.

Community Block Model

LaGrit Examples

Example 1
Intersect Two 3D Tet Meshes, Refine Volume of Intersection, Remove Intersecting Tets
Example 2
Hexahedra to 5, 6 or 24 Tetrahedra
Example 3
Intersect Two Surfaces, Make Hole in Surface Defined by Intersection
Example 4
Intersect Two Surfaces, Extract Line Object Defined by Surface Intersections
Example 5
Triangulate a Polygon, Use refine, smooth to Change Mesh Size and Quality
Example 6
Compute Median Point of Tri, Quad, Hex, Tet and Color By Median Value
Example 7
Triangulate Multiple Polygons and Modify Triangle Size With massage to Refine, Derefine and Smooth.
Example 8
Create a Triangulation With a Degenerate Internal Edge Which Creates a Non-Matching Triangulation
Example 9
Connect a Tet Mesh to a Hex Mesh Using Pyramid Elements
Example 10
Use PSETS and set Z(x,y) Surface To Max(Z(x,y)) of Two Surfaces

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