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By Louis Moresi1, Shijie Zhong2, Michael Gurnis3, Luis Armendariz4, Eh Tan, Thorsten Becker5

1. Monash University 2. University of Colorado 3. California Institute of Technology 4. Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics, Caltech 5. University of Southern California

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We use CitcomCU 1.0.3 ( Moresi and Gurnis, 1996; Zhong, 2006; Moresi et al., 2009) published under the GPL2 license.

Cite Code As

Moresi, L.; Zhong, S.; Gurnis, M.; Armendariz, L.; Tan, E.; Becker, T. (2009), CitcomCU v1.0.3 [software], url:

Primary References

Moresi, L.; Gurnis, M. (1996), Constraints on the lateral strength of slabs from three-dimensional dynamic flow models, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 138 (1), 15-28.

Zhong, S. (2006), Constraints on thermochemical convection of the mantle from plume heat flux, plume excess temperature, and upper mantle temperature, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111 (B4) , B04409, doi: 10.1029/2005JB003972, url:


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