Computational Infrastructure
for Geodynamics (CIG)

Community-driven organization advancing Earth science by providing the infrastructure for the development and dissemination of software for geophysics and related fields.

CIG Distinguished Speaker

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Geodynamics of early crust formation: Constraints on Earth’s long-term tectonic and thermal evolution
Brad Foley, Pennsylvania State University

Changing ice in a warming climate: a data-driven approach
Ching-Yao Lai, Stanford University

Research Highlight

View of Enceladus (left), a closeup of the Tiger Stripes (middle), and a plume (right). The middle and left panels are false color images. Cassini’s high-resolution camera images courtesy of CICLOPS and NASA /JPL/Space Science Institute.

Modelling Crustal Deformation for Saturn’s Moon Enceladus using PyLith

Contributed by Alex Berne, California Institute of Technology

Enceladus is a small (~500 km diameter), dynamic, and potentially habitable moon of Saturn (Vance et al., 2023). Enceladus’s plumes, which vent water crystals sourced from a global subsurface ocean, erupt from four prominent, evenly spaced surface fractures – informally called Tiger Stripes – within the satellite’s South Polar Terrain (SPT) (Figure 1). The SPT exhibits anomalously high heat flux and regional crustal thinning (Park et al., 2024); suggesting that interrelated thermo-mechanical phenomena underlie SPT activity (Spencer et al., 2006). Moreover, observed jet activity varies over Enceladus’s tidal cycle with two peaks in activity: one after the satellite reaches apoapsis (i.e., the furthest point in orbit relative to Saturn) and a smaller peak after periapse (i.e., the closest point) (Hedman et al., 2013). These observations suggest that diurnal tides periodically deform Tiger Stripes to enable plume activity. However, the exact mechanism that regulates jet activity along the Tiger Stripes (e.g., tidally induced strike-slip or opening motion) is not well understood.

To explore a potential relationship between the dynamics of the Tiger Stripes and jet activity at Enceladus... [full article]

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What Is happening?


2024 Ada Lovelace Workshop

August 31 - September 6, 2024

John the international lithospheric community in Sète, France   •   More Info 

Updated 9 July 2024

2024-2025 Webinar Series

Fall-Spring 2024/2025

Webinars resume in the Fall.  •  More Info 

Updated 21 May 2024

Get the Tools


A set of codes for MHD dynamo simulation in a rotating spherical shell using spherical harmonics expansion methods.
Current release: 2017-07-17
GNU GPL v2 or newer license


A 3-D convection code designed for the study of dynamo behavior in spherical shell geometry. 
Current release: 2022-05-05
GNU GPL v3 or newer license


3-D seismic modeling, with a free surface condition on the top boundary, absorbing super-grid conditions on the far-field boundaries, and an arbitrary number of point force and/or point moment tensor source terms. 
Current release: 2023-08-30
GNU GPL v2 or newer license

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