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2020 Tectonics Modeling Tutorial

Category: Workshop

The 2020 CIG Tectonics Modeling Tutorial will provide an opportunity for both new and experienced modelers to receive hands-on training on the fundamentals of long-term tectonic modeling. The training modules will cover a range of topics, including basic examples of mantle convection and lithospheric deformation, viscoelastic-plastic deformation, two-phase flow, and complex model design. Additional topics may include overviews of version control, best coding practices, and HPC computing. Participants will have the opportunity to complete example problems as well as get advice on, and set-up their own models.  Participants are encouraged to share their research through e- lightning talks and/or e-posters.

Tutorials will be taught using the CIG-supported code ASPECT. This workshop provides an opportunity for new users to become familiar with the code and its community. We encourage advanced users and prospective developers to contribute to ASPECT through github and participation in hackathons.

Given the virtual nature of the meeting and the wide range of time zones for the participants, formal daily sessions will be limited to 2-3 hours each day and will be held in the morning within the Pacific Time zone. Additional sessions will be available before and after the formal sessions for discussion of tutorial materials and one-on-one virtual assistance with individual participant projects.

Registration Opens: March 20, 2020
Registration Closes: June 30, 2020



Wolfgang Bangerth, Colorado State University
Juliane Dannberg, U. Florida
Menno Fraters, UC Davis
Rene Gassmoeller, UC Davis
Anne Glerum, GFZ Potsdam
Timo Heister, Clemson University
Lorraine Hwang, UC Davis
John Naliboff, UC Davis

Workshop Report [pdf] 

When: Monday 20 July, 2020 7:00 am PDT - Friday 24 July, 2020 10:30 am PDT
Where: Virtual
  1. long term tectonics
  2. 2020
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