2019 Multi-Hazard Data Science
In conjunction with the APRU Multi-hazards Hub at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan, this workshop will explore current and future applications of new techniques in data science to the field of multi-hazard research and practice.
The goal of the workshop is to better understand how data and decision science can impact each of the four stages in the evolution of natural disasters:
- Anticipation
- Mitigation
- Response
- Recovery
Each of these four areas will be the subject of interdisciplinary sessions at the workshop.
A primary focus of the workshop will be how the methods of data and decision science in the commercial and business worlds can be used to improve societal resilience in the face of increasing threats from natural disasters. In addressing this issue, the workshop will focus on the seven targets outlined in the Sendai Framework for Risk Reduction, particularly:
Substantially increase the availability of and access to multi-hazard early warning systems and disaster risk information and assessments to the people by 2030.
A second focus will be the Asia–Pacific Economic Cooperation goal of enhancing expertise in data competency, through an emphasis on data science and analytics.
John Rundle
Ken Verosub
Lorraine Hwang
Duncan Temple-Lang
Mark Yoder
Science During Crisis: Best Practices, Research Needs, and Policy Priorities [pdf]
We anticipate attendance by specialists in both multi-hazard research and practice, and in data science. The workshop will be structured to promote discussion across disciplinary fields. Attendees will be drawn from academia, government and industry.
Participant Limit: 40
Please register here. CLOSED
There is no registration fee for this event. Lunch and refreshment will be provided.
The APRU is an organization of the 50 leading universities around the Pacific Rim. The Muliti-Hazards Hub was established in 2012 at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan, under the auspices of the International Research Institute for Disaster Research (IRIDeS)
For more information, please contact us at events@geodynamics.org.
The Pacific Rim is subject to a wide variety of severe and destructive natural hazards:
- Earthquakes
- Typhoons
- Wildfires
- Floods
- Tsunamis
- Volcanic Eruptions
- Landslides