29 Feb 2024 | Software: Download | Contributor(s): H. Philip Crotwell (primary-developer), Thomas J. Owens
The TauP Toolkit is a seismic travel time calculator. In addition to travel times, it can calculate derivative information such as ray paths through the earth, pierce and turning points. It handles many types of velocity models and can calculate times for virtually any seismic phase with a...
ASPECT Jupyter Notebooks
12 Oct 2023 | Software: Launch | Contributor(s): Rene Gassmoeller
Contains ASPECT Jupyter notebooks
ASPECT Virtual Desktop
27 Jun 2023 | Software: Launch | Contributor(s): Rene Gassmoeller, Lorraine Hwang, Mohamed Gouiza
A preinstalled ASPECT environment.
ASPECT Hackathon 2022 Report
23 Jun 2022 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Organizing Committee
2022 ASPECT Hackathon Dates: May 15-24, 2022 Location: Cody, Wyoming
ASPECT Hackathon 2021 Report
23 Jun 2022 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Organizing Commitee
2021 ASPECT Hackathon Dates: Tuesday July 6 - Friday July 16 Location: Virtual
31 Oct 2021 | Software: Download | Contributor(s): Wolfgang Bangerth, Juliane Dannberg, Menno Fraters, Rene Gassmoeller, Anne Glerum, Timo Heister, Robert Myhill, John Naliboff
A finite element parallel code to simulate problems in thermal convection in both 2D and 3D models.ASPECT is a code to simulate problems in thermal convection. Its primary focus is on the simulation of processes in the earth's mantle, but its design is more general than that. The primary...
SPECFEM3D Cartesian
30 Oct 2021 | Software: Download | Contributor(s): Dimitri Komatitsch (primary-developer), Jean-Pierre Vilotte (primary-developer), Jeroen Tromp (primary-developer), Daniel Peter (primary-developer), SPECFEM Development Team
SPECFEM3D Cartesian simulates acoustic (fluid), elastic (solid), coupled acoustic/elastic, poroelastic or seismic wave propagation in any type of conforming mesh of hexahedra (structured or not.) It can, for instance, model seismic waves propagating in sedimentary basins or any other regional...
30 Oct 2021 | Software: Download | Contributor(s): Dimitri Komatitsch (primary-developer), Jean-Pierre Vilotte, Jeroen Tromp (primary-developer), Daniel Peter (primary-developer), SPECFEM Development Team
SPECFEM3D_GLOBE simulates global and regional (continental-scale) seismic wave propagation.Effects due to lateral variations in compressional-wave speed, shear-wave speed, density, a 3D crustal model, ellipticity, topography and bathymetry, the oceans, rotation, and self-gravitation are all...
29 Oct 2021 | Software: Download | Contributor(s): Hom Nath Gharti, Dimitri Komatitsch, Leah Langer, Roland Martin, Voker Oye, Jeroen Tromp, Uno Vaaland, Zhenshen Yan
SPECFEM3D_GEOTECH is an open-source command-driven software for 3D slope stability analysis and simulation of 3D multistage excavation based on the spectral-element method.SPECFEM3D_GEOTECH is a free and open-source command-driven software for 3D slope stability analysis (for more details see...
29 Oct 2021 | Software: Download | Contributor(s): Dimitri Komatitsch (primary-developer), Jean-Pierre Vilotte (primary-developer), Daniel Peter (primary-developer), SPECFEM Software Development Team
SPECFEM2D simulates forward and adjoint seismic wave propagation in two-dimensional acoustic, (an)elastic, poroelastic or coupled acoustic-(an)elastic-poroelastic media, with Convolution PML absorbing conditions.Meshing is based for instance upon Gmsh, Cubit, GiD or a...
29 Oct 2021 | Software: Download | Contributor(s): SPECFEM Development Team
SPECFEM1D simulates seismic wave propagation in a one-dimensional heterogeneous medium. It is a small code that allows users to learn how a spectral-element program is written.See specfem.org.
29 Oct 2021 | Software: Download | Contributor(s): N. Anders Petersson, Bjorn Sjögreen, Houjun Tang, Ramesh Pankajakshan
SW4 implements substantial capabilities for 3-D seismic modeling, with a free surface condition on the top boundary, absorbing super-grid conditions on the far-field boundaries, and an arbitrary number of point force and/or point moment tensor source terms. Each source time function can have one...
28 Oct 2021 | Software: Download | Contributor(s): Tarje Nissen-Meyer (primary-developer), Martin van Driel (primary-developer), Simon Stähler (primary-developer), Kasra Hosseini (primary-developer), Stefanie Hempel (primary-developer), Lion Krischer (primary-developer), Alexandre Fournier (primary-developer)
AxiSEM is a parallel spectral-element method for 3D (an-)elastic, anisotropic and acoustic wave propagation in spherical domains. It requires axisymmetric background models and runs within a 2D computational domain, thereby reaching all desired highest observable frequencies (up to 2Hz) in global...
28 Oct 2021 | Software: Download | Contributor(s): Dimitri Komatitsch, Roland Martin
SEISMIC_CPML is a set of eleven open-source Fortran90 programs to solve the two-dimensional or three-dimensional isotropic or anisotropic elastic, viscoelastic or poroelastic wave equation using a finite-difference method with Convolutional or Auxiliary Perfectly Matched Layer (C-PML or...
28 Oct 2021 | Software: Download | Contributor(s): Alessia Maggi
The FLEXWIN software package automates the time-window selection problem for seismologists. It operates on pairs of observed and synthetic single component seismograms, defining windows that cover as much of a given seismogram as possible, while avoiding portions of the waveform that are...
28 Oct 2021 | Software: Download | Contributor(s): Guy Masters (primary-developer), John Woodhouse (primary-developer), Freeman Gilbert (primary-developer), Michael Ritzwoller (primary-developer), Misha Barmine, Sue Kientz
Mineos computes synthetic seismograms in a spherically symmetric non-rotating Earth by summing normal modes.Attenuation, gravity and transversal anisotropy effects may be optionally taken into account. The package computes mode eigenfrequencies and eigenfunctions, Green's functions and...
14 Sep 2021 | Software: Download | Contributor(s): Sanne Cottaar, Timo Heister, Robert Myhill, Ian Rose, Cayman Unterborn
BurnMan is an open source mineral physics toolbox written in Python to determine seismic velocities for the lower mantle. BurnMan calculates the isotropic thermoelastic moduli by solving the equations-of-state for a mixture of minerals defined by the user. The user may select from a list of...
ASPECT Hackathon 2018 Final report
06 Apr 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Organizing Committee
ASPECT Hackathon 2018 Final report. June 18-28, 2018.
ASPECT Hackathon 2020 Report
03 Apr 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Organizing Committee
ASPECT Hackathon 2020 Report. August 3-7, 10-14, 2020.
Regional Scale Earthquake Hazard and Structural Risk Simulations
01 Apr 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Mamun Miah
Regional Scale Earthquake Hazard and Structural Risk Simulations. September 18-22, 2017. Mamun Miah.
FORCE11 Software Citation Principles
01 Apr 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Lorraine Hwang
FORCE11 Software Citation Principles. September 18-22, 2017. Lorraine Hwang.
Towards Structural Imaging Using Scattering Artifacts Detected in Ambient Field Correlations
01 Apr 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Lise Retailleau, Gregory Beroza
Towards Structural Imaging Using Scattering Artifacts Detected in Ambient Field Correlations. September 18-22, 2017. Lise Retailleau, Gregory Beroza.
Salvus: A flexible open-source package for waveform modelling and inversion from laboratory to global scales
01 Apr 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Lion Krischer, Michael Afanasiev, Christian Boehm, Martin van Driel, Andreas Fichtner
Salvus: A flexible open-source package for waveform modelling and inversion from laboratory to global scales. September 18-22, 2017. Lion Krischer, Michael Afanasiev, Christian Boehm, Martin van Driel, Andreas Fichtner.
3D Dynamic Rupture Simulations along Dipping Faults, with a focus on the Wasatch Fault Zone, Utah
01 Apr 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Kyle Withers, Morgan Moschetti
3D Dynamic Rupture Simulations along Dipping Faults, with a focus on the Wasatch Fault Zone, Utah. September 18-22, 2017. Kyle Withers.
Amplification of seismic waves in Nenana basin, central Alaska
01 Apr 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Kyle Smith, Carl Tape
Amplification of seismic waves in Nenana basin, central Alaska. September 18-22, 2017. Kyle Smith, Carl Tape.
ASPECT Hackathon 2016 Final Report
01 Apr 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Organizing Committee
ASPECT Hackathon 2016 Final Report. June 24-July 2, 2016.
Mantle-scale geodynamics
30 Mar 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Louis Moresi
Mantle-scale geodynamics. Sept 15-17, 2008. Louis Moresi.
3D Spherical Mantle Convection Calculations using the Yin-Yang grid
30 Mar 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Paul Tackley
3D Spherical Mantle Convection Calculations using the Yin-Yang grid. July 9-11, 2008. Paul Tackley.
Spectral Methods for Mantle Convection with 3D Viscosity Variations
30 Mar 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Robert Moucha
Spectral Methods for Mantle Convection with 3D Viscosity Variations. July 9-11, 2008. Robert Moucha.
Some aspects of phase transitions and mantle convection
30 Mar 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Luce Fleitout
Some aspects of phase transitions and mantle convection. July 9-11, 2008. Luce Fleitout.
The Role of Mantle Tractions and the Crust
30 Mar 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Lucy Flesch
The Role of Mantle Tractions and the Crust. July 9-11, 2008. Lucy Flesch.
A Recent Free Subduction Benchmark
30 Mar 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Boris Kaus
A Recent Free Subduction Benchmark (or, how a simple test can cause a major headache) July 9-11, 2008. Boris Kaus.
The Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computing
30 Mar 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Matthew Knepley
The Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computing. July 9-11, 2008. Matthew Knepley.
Next Generation Parallel Machines
30 Mar 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Bill Broadley
Next Generation Parallel Machines. July 9-11, 2008. Bill Broadley.
ASPECT Hackathon 2019 Preliminary Report
29 Mar 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Organizing Committee
ASPECT Hackathon 2019 Preliminary Report. May 21-June 1, 2019.
ASPECT 2020 Virtual User Meeting Log
29 Mar 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Organizing Committee
ASPECT 2020 Virtual User Meeting Log. January 21-23, 2020.
Preliminary analysis of seismic anisotropy changes associated the Kaikoura earthquakes in New Zealand
26 Mar 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Kenny Graham, Martha K. Savage, Richard Arnold
Preliminary analysis of seismic anisotropy changes associated the Kaikoura earthquakes in New Zealand. September 18-22, 2017. Kenny Graham, Martha K. Savage, Richard Arnold.
Assessing variations in shear wave splitting measurement due to scattered waves using simulated waveforms
26 Mar 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Kenny Graham, Martha K. Savage, Richard Arnold
Assessing variations in shear wave splitting measurement due to scattered waves using simulated waveforms. September 18-22, 2017. Kenny Graham, Martha K. Savage, Richard Arnold.
Thermokarst-On-Demand: Observations from a Controlled Permafrost Warming Experiment
26 Mar 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Nate Lindsey, Anna Wagner, Shan Dou, Ian Ekblaw, Art Gelvin, Stephanie Saari, Todd Wood, Alex Morales, Craig Ulrich, Barry Freifeld, Tom Daley, Jonathan Ajo-Franklin
Thermokarst-On-Demand: Observations from a Controlled Permafrost Warming Experiment. September 18-22, 2017. Nate Lindsey, Anna Wagner, Shan Dou, Ian Ekblaw, Art Gelvin, Stephanie Saari, Todd Wood, Alex Morales, Craig Ulrich, Barry Freifeld, Tom Daley, Jonathan Ajo-Franklin.
The spatial sensitivity of teleseismic Sp converted waves
26 Mar 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Nicholas J. Mancinelli, Karen M. Fischer
The spatial sensitivity of teleseismic Sp converted waves. September 18-22, 2017. Nicholas J. Mancinelli, Karen M. Fischer.
3D Simulations of Earthquakes on Parallel Offset Faults with Homogeneous Stress Conditions
26 Mar 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Kayla A. Kroll, Keith B. Richards-Dinger, James H. Dieterich, David D. Oglesby
3D Simulations of Earthquakes on Parallel Offset Faults with Homogeneous Stress Conditions. September 18-22, 2017. Kayla A. Kroll, Keith B. Richards-Dinger, James H. Dieterich, David D. Oglesby.
Coseismic and postseismic velocity changes caused by the 2016 Mw 6.5 Meinong, Taiwan, Earthquake using Ambient Seismic Noise
26 Mar 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Po-Chin Tseng, Ruey-Juin Rau, Tzu-Ying Huang, Yuan-Cheng Gung
Coseismic and postseismic velocity changes caused by the 2016 Mw 6.5 Meinong, Taiwan, Earthquake using Ambient Seismic Noise. September 18-22, 2017. Po-Chin Tseng, Ruey-Juin Rau, Tzu-Ying Huang, Yuan-Cheng Gung.
Imaging the Alaskan subduction zone with joint inversion of ambient noise and teleseismic surface waves
26 Mar 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Robert Martin-Short, Richard Allen, Robert Porritt
Imaging the Alaskan subduction zone with joint inversion of ambient noise and teleseismic surface waves. September 18-22, 2017. Robert Martin-Short, Richard Allen, Robert Porritt.
Seismo-Acoustic Analyses of the DPRK Underground Nuclear Tests for the Estimation of Source Depth
26 Mar 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Jelle Assink, G. Averbuch, Pieter Smets, Läslo Evers
Seismo-Acoustic Analyses of the DPRK Underground Nuclear Tests for the Estimation of Source Depth. September 18-22, 2017. Jelle Assink, G. Averbuch, Pieter Smets, Läslo Evers.
Comparison of magmatic and amagmatic rift zone kinematics using full moment tensor inversions of regional earthquakes
26 Mar 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Sarah J. Oliva, C.J. Ebinger, D. Shillington, J. Albaric, A. Deschamps, D. Keir, C. Drooff
Comparison of magmatic and amagmatic rift zone kinematics using full moment tensor inversions of regional earthquakes. September 18-22, 2017. Sarah J. Oliva, C.J. Ebinger, D. Shillington, J. Albaric, A. Deschamps, D. Keir, C. Drooff.
Large-N array observations of injection-induced seismicity in northern Oklahoma: the LASSO experiment
26 Mar 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Sara L. Dougherty, Elizabeth S. Cochran, Rebecca M. Harrington
Large-N array observations of injection-induced seismicity in northern Oklahoma: the LASSO experiment.September 18-22, 2017. Sara L. Dougherty, Elizabeth S. Cochran, and Rebecca M. Harrington.
Spatiotemporal Relationship between Shallow Slow Slip and Repeating Earthquakes in the Northern Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand
26 Mar 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Heather Shaddox, Susan Schwartz, Erin Todd, Anne Sheehan, Jefferson Yarce, Jenny Nakai
Spatiotemporal Relationship between Shallow Slow Slip and Repeating Earthquakes in the Northern Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand. September 18-22, 2017. Heather R Shaddox, Susan Y Schwartz, Erin K Todd, Anne F Sheehan, Jefferson Yarce, Jenny S Nakai.
Detecting and Characterizing Activity on Land and at Sea
26 Mar 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Gabrielle Tepp
Detecting and Characterizing Activity on Land and at Sea. September 18-22, 2017. Gabrielle Tepp.
Improving infrasonic location estimates for underground nuclear explosions
26 Mar 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Fransiska Dannemann, Philip Blom, Junghyun Park, Omar Marcillo, Brian Stump, Il-Young Che
Improving infrasonic location estimates for underground nuclear explosions. September 18-22, 2017. Fransiska K Dannemann, Philip Blom, Junghyun Park, Omar Marcillo, Brian Stump, Il-Young Che.
Wavefield simulations of earthquakes in southern Alaska for tomographic inversion
26 Mar 2021 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Vipul Silwal, Carl Tape
Wavefield simulations of earthquakes in southern Alaska for tomographic inversion. September 18-22, 2017. Vipul Silwal.