Events: Details

2020 CIG Community Workshop: Advancing Our Understanding of Earth Dynamics in CIG IV


Session 1: Deep Earth Dynamics and the Dynamo
Session 2: Short Term Crustal Deformation an Melts and Volatiles
Session 3: Long Term Tectonics and Seismology

Prerecorded Talks

Please view prior to the beginning of the workshop to learn more about these communities and their activities.

  • Meeting Welcome. Lorraine Hwang, Director, UC Davis [YouTube]Scott King, Chair SSC, Virginia Tech [YouTube]
  • CIG Retrospective. Lorraine Hwang, Director, UC Davis [YouTube]
  • NSF Opportunities for Geoinformatics. Eva Zanzerkia, Program Director, NSF [YouTube]
  • NAS - A Vision for NSF Earth Sciences 2020-2030: Earth in Time. Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni, UC Los Angeles [YouTube]
  • The SZ4D Initiative: Planning a Decadal Effort to Understand Processes that Underlie Subduction Zone Hazards. Harold Tobin, University of Washington [YouTube]
  • An Update on the Proposed IRIS-UNAVCO Merger. Rick Aster, Colorado State University; Becks Bendick, UNAVCO; Lucy Flesch, Purdue University; Bob Woodward, IRIS [YouTube]
  • Overview of the Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS). Greg Tucker, Executive Director, CU Boulder [YouTube]

Prerecorded talks will be approximately 10min in length each and be available on the CIG YouTube channel beginning Monday October 5.

Prior to Day 1, please submit your questions for the panel to: events@geodynamics.org

Breakout Groups

There will be 6 breakout groups each day:

  • Deep Earth Interior
  • Dynamo
  • Seismology
  • Long Term Tectonics
  • Short Term Crustal Deformation
  • Melts and Volatiles

Groups are not preassigned. Links will be announced each day and participants will be free to choose which group to join.

Additional Documents

  • CIG Strategic Objectives [pdf]
  • Bylaws [pdf]


last updated 14 October 2020 


Session 1: Deep Earth Dynamics and the Dynamo


08:00     WELCOME
08:10   PLENARY 1A
  20min How to model a living planet? John Hernlund, Earth-Life Science Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology [pdf] [YouTube]
  20min Computational advances and challenges in planetary dynamo modelling. Julien Aubert and Thomas Gastine, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris [pdf] [YouTube]
  10min   Discussion
09:00 30min PANEL Q&A please submit questions by October 12 to events@geodynamics.org
  • Rick Aster, Colorado State University
  • Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni, UC Los Angeles
  • Harold Tobin, University of Washington
  • Eva Zanzerkia, Program Director, NSF
  • Greg Tucker, Executive Director, University of Colorado Boulder
09:30 15min BREAK
09:45   IDEA TALKS 1
    1. Infrastructure and how it might help CIG with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Scott King, Virginia Tech
2. Building communities around scientific software. Wolfgang Bangerth, Colorado State University
3. Increasing diversity in the Geodynamics Community through Research Undergraduate Experiences (REUs). John Naliboff, New Mexico Tech, Lorraine Hwang, UC Davis; Dave Stegman, UC San Diego [pdf]
4. Extending CIG’s Influence on Spreading Best Software Practices. Rene Gassmoeller, University of Florida [pdf]
5. Extroverted geodynamics: enabling code usage by a wider user baseLaurent Montesi, University of Maryland
10:10 60min  BREAKOUT 1
11:10 30min REPORT BACK
11:40   PLENARY 1B
  20min Broadening diversity and inclusiveness in a quantitative, computational world. Sharon Mosher, University of Texas Austin [pdf] [YouTube]
  20min Juan E. Gilbert, University of Florida [YouTube]
12:20   Open discussion on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
1:00 P 60min Poster 1 Q&A will begin 15 min after the meeting adjourns [figshare] [schedule]

Session 2: Short Term Crustal Deformation and Melts and Volatiles


07:05 40min Poster 2 Q&A will end 15 min prior to the start of the plenary session [figshare][schedule]
08:15   PLENARY 2A
  20min Advances and Challenges in Understanding Fault loading, Inter seismic - and Post seismic Deformation. Ylona van Dinther, Utrecht University [YouTube]
  20min Modeling earthquake source processes: From tectonics to dynamic rupture. Nadia Lapusta, Caltech [pdf] [YouTube]
  20min Modeling fluid migration in subduction zones: Community perspectives from a MCS RCN workshop. Ikuko Wada, University of Minnesota [pdf] [YouTube]
  10min   Discussion
09:25 15min BREAK
09:40   PLENARY 2B
  20min Generating and using thermodynamic models with the ENKI platform. Mark Ghiorso, OFM Research [pdf] [YouTube]
  20min The Molecular Sciences Software Institute, Daniel Crawford, MolSSI, Virginia Tech [pdf] [YouTube]
10:20 10min BREAK
10:30 60min BREAKOUT 2
11:30 30min REPORT BACK
12:00 30min Discussion:  Visions, Ideas, and Strategies for the CIG of the future
12:30   ADJOURN

Session 3: Long Term Tectonics and Seismology


08:00   WELCOME
08:05   PLENARY 3A
  20min Challenges and opportunities in long-term tectonic modeling, Laurent Montesi, University of Maryland [pdf] [YouTube]
  20min Deep Earth Seismology: Discoveries, Questions, and Challenges, Ved Lekic, University of Maryland [pdf] [YouTube]
  10min   Discussion
08:55 15min BREAK
09:10   PLENARY 3B
  20min Using supercomputers to unravel multi-physics and multi-scale earthquake and tsunami dynamics: targeting exascale high-performance computing, Alice Gabriel, University of Munich [YouTube]
  20min Machine Learning for Fluid Dynamics, Steve Brunton, University of Washington [pdf] [YouTube]
09:50 15min BREAK
10:05 25min IDEA TALKS 3

1. The Need for Coupling of Tectonic and Surface Processes in CIG-IV. Phaedra Upton, GNS Science
2. Towards a Computational Geodynamics Visualization and Data Analysis Framework. John Naliboff, New Mexico Tech; Sascha Brune, GFZ Potsdam; Thilo Wrona, GFZ Potsdam; Guillaume Duclaux, Université Côte d'Azur; Chris Havlin, U. Illinois; and Dave May, UC San Diego [pdf]
3. A community plan towards reproducible simulations of complex lithospheric dynamics. CIG Long-Term Tectonics Working Group [pdf]
4. Best Practices: Guidelines, Resources, and Education. Brad Aagaard, USGS [pdf]
5. tbd

10:30 60min  BREAKOUT 3
11:30 30min REPORT BACK
12:00 30min Summary Discussion - CIG of the Future
12:30   ADJOURN
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