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Mag - Tutorial 1- Running Benchmarks

Tutorial 1: Running Benchmarks

Uncompress all files, and create a path (see Chapter 2 of MAG User Manual) Link the grid parameter file to param.f, which enters into most subroutines through “include” statements. For example, a grid parameter file named ‘param32f4.f’ (32 is the spherical harmonics truncation degree; 4 is the longitude symmetry) is linked using:

  $ ln -sf param32s4.f param.f

Compile the program as follows (renaming the executable in line 2 is optional):

$ make
  $ mv magx magx32s4  

MAG uses a standard input file. Background execute using par.XXX as the input file and .YYY as the output file’s extension, e.g., ‘$ magx32s4 p.YYY &’, so to run with the benchmark input files (par.bnch0 or par.bnch1), the execution statement should be:

$ magx32s4 <par.bnch0 >p.bench0 &

If there is a problem with the input file list, it is often the final three lines; with some systems, a “$” may be required at the end.

MAG produces a series of output files. For example, when using input file par.bnch0 (the example in step 4) MAG generates: ‘l.bench0, ls.bench0, gi.bench0 and di.bench0’, where i=0,1,2…9. See Appendix B in the MAG User Manual for details on MAG’s output files. Compare your output files with the data provided in the directory ~/bench-data/data_bench0.

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